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Viral Diseases In Our Environment

AIDS              - Weak immune system. Chicken pox    - High fever, reddish eruption on body. Small pox        - Light fever, eruption of blood on body. Dengue fever   - High fever, backache, headache. Retro-orbital pain behind the eye ball. Hepatitis          - Loss of appetite, nausea, whitish stool and jaundice. Herpes             - Swelling of skin. Polio                - Fever, backbone and intestine wall cells are destroyed. It leads to paralysis. Swine-flu        - Headache, tiredness, sore throat, vomiting, breathing problems.

Fungal Diseases In Human Beings

Asthma            - Obstruction in the functioning of lungs. Baldness          - hair fall Athlete's foot  - skin disease, cracking of feet Ringworm       - round red spot on skin Scabies            - skin itching and white spot on the skin.


Smoking. Drinking alcohol. Taking junk or comfort food. Sitting for hours in front of T.V. or Computer. Withdrawing from family, friends and activities. Using pills or drugs to relax. Sleeping too much.

Alter The Situation

Express your filling instead of bottling them up. Be willing to compromise. Manage your time better.

Features Of Partnership

An association of two or more persons. Existence of a business. Sharing of profits of the business(including losses). An agreement entered into by all persons concerned. Unlimited liability of all partners.

Sub- fields of Accounting

Various Sub-fields of Accounting are: Financial Accounting Management Accounting  Cost Accounting Social Responsibility Accounting  Human Resource Accounting

Importance of Editing

Editing is a very important process which gives form and finish to our writings. We need to have two different frames of minds for writing.    i) fertile and inventive mental make up which rejects all external forces (teachers, schools, institution etc) and helps us come up with a lots of ideas.    ii) Critical and questioning mental make up which helps us look at our own writing in a critical manner.

Prepare Your Own Notes & Mind Map

Writing notes is very helpful in preparing for the examination. Particularly when you study from different sources.  Firstly while writing notes you focus your attention in a more concentrated manner and many of these points remain in your memory if you put them on a mind map. Secondly notes help you in quick revision.

Intelligent Meditation in Preparation

It is very important to analyse previous questions asked in exams and then think over all the aspects and dimensions on which question can be formed and asked from particular topic or heading.

Start from Weak Areas

when the weak areas can be overcome, a new confidence will develop that will motivate to cover up other areas/subjects easily and quicker.

How to crack the group discussion?

knowledge & communication skill plays very important role in Group Discussion. Communication skill means power of expression. In a group discussion, Candidates are to talk effectively so that they are able to convince others. For convincing, one has to speak forcefully, logically and at the same time create an impact by his knowledge on the subject. A candidate who is successful in holding the attention of the audience creates a positive impact. It is necessary that you should be precise and clear. An evaluator (who evaluate) do not look for the wordage used by you. Your knowledge on a given subject, your clarity of thought and your way of presentation, are the things that are evaluated. You should speak as much as necessary, neither more nor less and to the point.

Healthy ways to cope with stress


Planning for Preparation

Planning  is important because it tells us how to reach our destination or goal. In the context of the general competition, planning acquires greater significance because one has to cover a comprehensive syllabus in a limited period of time.   Good planning  really implies maximum result with minimum efforts, and  effective planning  means that you work out your own mechanism for checking whether you are spending your time effectively or not.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) Features

Uniform regime of taxes across India. Common market of goods and services across India. States will collect services taxes. Centre will collect Integrated Goods and Services Tax(IGST) or inter-state supplies. IGST rate will be equal to central GST(CGST) + State GST(SGST).

How to Stay Motivated

Cracking any competitive Exam is not a short term game like ' ONE DAY ' cricket match. It is a long term game plan of preparation which needs passion to keep you motivated through out your preparation. A. Keep off Demotivators   1.  Eliminate your distractions.   2.  Overcome your weaknesses.   3.  Don't set multi-task at a time.   4.  Don't repeat your mistake. B. Keep on Motivators   1.  Discover the Ultimate purpose of your goal.   2.  Make sure that your goal is under your reach.   3.  Make check points for day, week and months to check your preparation progress.   4.  Give break in study to energize yourself   5.  Learn from your mistake.

How We Manage Exam Stress

Stress is a feeling of an aspirant or a person when he has to perform more than he is used to perform. Suppose you are stressed, your body responds as you are in danger. It makes hormones to speedup your heart, breathe faster and burst your energy . Some stress is normal and useful for you that help to work hard and react quickly. But it happens too often and lasts for too long, it can cause health problems and hindrance in your work and performance.